It is so easy to get lethargic doing these hot, steamy days of summer. We all slow down and take things at a more laid back pace. Slowing down is fine, but we can’t completely stop. We have to at least look out ahead and make some plans for when the weather cools off.
We have been doing just that ourselves. We plan to have findings from our Fleet Fuel Study as well as two Confidence Reports — platooning and accessories — published this fall. Look for announcements with specific release dates coming soon.
And we also have been busy planning workshops and attendance at industry events for the balance of the year. You’ll see me or someone from my team at places like the Ohio Conference on Freight, TMC’s fall meeting, the Midwest Green Fleets Forum and Expo, ATA’s Management Conference and the National Trailer Dealers to name a few. And at the upcoming SAE meeting, Dave Schaller, our fleet engagement manager, will present a paper on confidence in freight efficiency technology that he and I co-authored.
We’ll also be doing a workshop in Asheville, N.C. at the North Carolina Trucking Associations in October and another later in the year, TBD. If you have not attended one of our workshops, I would encourage you to do so. There is a lot of learning and sharing that goes on there.
Darryl Logan of Keller Logistics Group had this comment after attending one of our workshops: “I was beyond eager to connect to other people, other like minded folks, industry professionals, engineers, vendors, who are in the business of creating products that enhance efficiency.”
Our workshops feature remarks by an industry leader followed by a Q&A session. The meat of our events are the roundtable discussions dedicated to specific technologies. Participates share real-world information in a safe environment that allows them to speak candidly.
So while you are enjoying the lazy days of summer, go to our website and check out some of the places we’ll be. We encourage you to come chat with us and share what you are doing to improve freight efficiency. We’re always excited to learn something new and we’re happy to share our latest findings too.