According to a press release from the governor’s office, the law breaks the state into 12 special tax districts. Each district will get together and form a transportation committee which will recommend projects in need of funding. They could be new roads, repaving, installation of traffic lights, etc. Once the list is complete, it will be put to voters in that district during the 2012 presidential election. If the voters approve the list – with its accompanying 1% hike in the sales tax in that district – then the state would fund those projects. If the voters reject the list, the region would receive no funding.
We have worked extremely hard to bring a level of accountability never seen before in our transportation planning process,” Perdue said. “Now, voters in each area of the state will have a chance to approve a plan that meets the needs of their area of the state while also connecting to the state’s transportation network.”
Sounds nice, until you get inside the heads of voters. As politics always play a role in these decisions, say for instance, that during the committee’s negotiations, three projects are suggested for Town A and just one project for Town B some 30 miles away, why would voters in Town B OK the tax hike? Especially if there were projects in Town B that residents felt should have been included.
From the politician’s standpoint, though, this is a win-win because it gives them an out.