Horton has introduced its VMaster Ultra fan drive, which is designed for diesel engines meeting new emissions regulations. The fan drive, which is managed by the engine's electronic control unit, is for higher-horsepower, hotter-running engines, Horton said.
The new fan drives are being road-tested by OEMs and fleets on new reduced-emission vehicles. So far, over 4,000,000 successful miles of testing have been completed within the past 12 months, Horton said.
The VMaster Ultra is equipped with a fan speed sensor to enable closed-loop control. Its optimized magnetic design speeds up reaction time for better modulation and cooling. In addition, the reservoir, actuator and valve system combine to deliver a lower off-speed and faster response time resulting in optimum cooling, reduced fan noise and increased fuel efficiency, Horton said.
VMaster Ultra has a rear-mounted cable harness to shield the connection from fan blades. The fan installs on the front of the fan drive to increase airflow for maximum cooling. VMaster Ultra directly controlled viscous fan drives are engineered to turn Horton's WindMaster or competitive fans.
The new fan drives have maximum torque capability of 2,225 in.-lb. [250 N-m] and are available for first-fit and test applications for a variety of fan sizes and mounting options.
For information, go to www.hortonww.com/ultra or call 888-813-9926 or 651-361-6400.