A new eBook and accompanying webinar from Networkfleet will focus on managing labor expense while maintaining superior service levels. The eBook, entitled “Managing Labor Costs with Networkfleet,” and companion webinar, “Best Practices for Managing Labor,” show how telematics and GPS fleet tracking technology can help companies reduce costs and improve productivity.
The eBook and webinar will include specific actions fleet managers can take to analyze fleet operations and implement a successful labor management strategy. They will address four key areas that can be improved using wireless fleet management, including:
Improving driver efficiency and reducing miles traveled
Increasing driver productivity and reducing overtime costs
Increasing the amount of work being done each day
Accomplishing the same amount of work in less time
The eBook also includes examples of how specific reports and alerts, such as trip reports, fleet utilization reports, Begin-End of Day reports, geofence reports, Connect (Garmin in-cab integration) and vehicle tracking reports, can be applied to improve employee productivity.
Visit the Networkfleet website to download a complimentary copy of the eBook “Managing Labor Costs with Networkfleet”. The webinar “Best Practices for Managing Labor” will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, at 1 p.m. EST.
To sign up for the webinar, click here.