Fleets will benefit from a new set of credit tools QuikQ is offering to truck stops. The company, which offers cardless direct fuel connections between truck stop point-of-sale (POS) and motor carrier enterprise systems, announced at The NATSO Show 2014 in Nashville new tools as part of the QuikQ Fuel Purchasing System (FPS).
FPS Credit Tools adds real-time credit alerts and stops to in-house truck stop accounts to enable improved service for motor carrier customers. Pre-pay accounts are also supported allowing additional options and flexibility.
“With FPS credit tools, truck stops have more control over fuel transactions and are able to forge better relationships with carrier customers,” said Ernie Betancourt, president of QuikQ. “The credit option enhances the QuikQ Fuel Purchasing System with another layer of risk management tools for truck stops, and real-time alerts help carriers avoid exceeding their credit limit and having fuel purchases blocked. This new offering allows truck stops using QuikQ FPS to provide a more complete range of convenient and flexible solutions to their customers.”
FPS credit tools offer:
Real-time credit alerts and stops to in-house accounts
Carrier-friendly pre-pay accounts
Flexible and customizable billing cycles with the ability to bill customers directly
Credit alerts to inform you and your customer about account status
Customizable purchase options for fuel, cash advances or other items
The QuikQ Fuel Purchasing System manages the entire fuel management process from carrier back office to truck stop back office. With QuikQ FPS, the fleet, the truck stop and the driver use live carrier data for real-time reporting and have improved security and control over fuel transactions, the company said.