Vigillo, which recently launched the big-data platform Athena, has now partnered with U.S. Legal Services to add a premium data channel to the platform.
The new data channel with its built-in dashboards and reports will enable carriers to gain visibility into judicial outcomes of driver citations, the company said.
New guidelines from the FMCSA permit adjudicated CSA violations to be removed from driver and Carrier CSA scores.
“Much like the inspection disparity that exists between states, various courts handle citations and violations differently,” said Steve Bryan, CEO of Vigillo. “Athena’s new U.S. Legal Services channel has data that can help a carrier know how each court is resolving driver citations related to CSA and their MVR.”
According to Anne-Marie Hulsey, U.S. Legal Services Inc.’s director of business development, a recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) ruling said that, beginning Aug. 23, 2014, motor carriers and drivers will be able to request through the DataQs system the removal of violations when a driver is found not guilty, a violation is dismissed in court, or a receives a reduction in charge.
“FMCSA has finally acknowledged that it has to recognize the rulings issued in the U.S. judicial system,” said Bryan. “This decision, which has wide support within the commercial motor vehicle industry, improves the quality and constitutionality of violation data that feeds into CSA scores.”